vrijdag 26 januari 2007
Good rehearsal with Wijnand today
donderdag 25 januari 2007
Back home
Now at Wijnand's to have dinner. We're gonna rehearse Brahms clarinet sonata and Mendelssohn Cello Sonata after dinner. I bought a new C* mouthpiece today at Harry Bakker. This is a good oppurtunity to try it out. I am in a mouthpiece crisis I believe.... What can you do?
woensdag 24 januari 2007
maandag 22 januari 2007
22:00 Back from Tilburg
9:30 now. Still have to shower. Doing some work that I was behind with. Listening to the radio. Burning some cd's, editing some audio. After this shower and practice. Then off to Tilburg. I enjoy the relatively long train ride every week!
zondag 21 januari 2007
Today I taught in Arnhem
Today I taught in Arnhem. I am getting used to teaching two days and having the rest of the week off for my own things. Also, more and more, teaching seems to do something with my music as a musician.
On the way back I had a long conversation with a good friend who is having problems with love. I feel bad for him, but he can work it out.
Yesterday I heard great Winterreise with Wijnand Van Klaveren and Henk Smit at Han De Vries' house. Beautiful house as well!
zaterdag 20 januari 2007
Keep an eye open for the Amstel Quartet CD with works by Faure, Glazou...
vrijdag 19 januari 2007
Dinner at Evert's was great
donderdag 18 januari 2007
Today I met with Bram van Sambeek (bassoonist)
woensdag 17 januari 2007
Evening now

dinsdag 16 januari 2007
I just realised today that I wrote an article about my influences just...
Today I had an appointment with Martijn Sanders who had some great advice for me about my carreer and the quartet.
I have been playing on a different mouthpiece for a week now: Vandoren again, an AL3. The sound is very good, almost too good. The legato is great and the sound is quite dark. Low notes speak easy. But hte colouring is quite hard. I need some more time to judge whether it works.What I do know for sure is that I really enjoy playing it. I remember the feeling from when I started playing on my C* in Sweden, 6 years ago.
maandag 15 januari 2007
Today we had exams in Tilburg
Other than that quite tired today. Still haven't recovered from the weekend with our two concerts in the south of Holland.
I received the Amy Winehouse Cd today. It's good. Especially the song Rehab that I heard on MTV. Also I am still listening to Mischa Maisky and Rostropovitsch playing Apreggione. Fascinating how different they play. I like Benjamin Britten's piano playing a lot!
zondag 14 januari 2007
Michael Brecker passed away last Saturday
Michael Brecker passed away last Saturday. One of my biggest heroes. He struggled with his leukemia for some time now and finally had to give in. Apparantly a compatible donor for bonne marrow was never found. Michael Brecker was one of my childhood heroes. Some people were into Madonna, Michael Jackson. I was into Brecker. He could do anything on his instrument. And he was always looking for new ways. On his EWI, saxophone, as a composer. Students around the world tried to imitate his sound, even more than Coltrane (Brecker's biggest influence). We lost a great musician.
Michael Brecker passed away Saturday. Michaelbrecker.com posted this message: JANUARY 13, 2007 - Following a two and a half year battle with MDS and then leukemia, Michael passed away. A memorial service is now being planned and details regarding the same will be posted here this coming Wednesday or Thursday. In lieu of flowers, we ask that donations be made to The Marrow Foundation's TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FUND. Many lives have been saved as a result of those who joined the National Marrow Donor Program at donor drives on behalf of Michael---and who were perfectly matching donors for others in need. There is much work to do, and we ask you to please join us in this effort. Thank you for all of your support.
zaterdag 13 januari 2007
We premiered out new programme Ghosts of the Amstel this weekend in De...
I listened to Maisky and Rostropovitsj playing Arpeggione on my iPod in the car. (plenty of time!) Wijnand and me are going to play it as well, so I needed some inspiration.
Oh, and, the site you are viewing right now is ONLINE!!!