We heard some great chamber music exams last week
The best ensembles performed at the Fontys Chamber Music night in the Tilburg Mercedes Garage
F.Schubert - Der Hirt auf dem Felsen by PaulaStemkens, sopraan, Steven van Gool,piano, Floris vanAlebeek, klarinet
10blake songs, R. Vaughn Williams by Tom Sanderman and Kiki Luijtwieler
Crumb, Madrigals book 3 by SophieOltheten, harp, Irina Bedicova, zang, Mishel Tawfik, slagwerk
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)- 'Se l'aura spira tutta vezzosa' uit 'Primo libro d'arie musicali'(1930), Marleen de Bruijn and Hans Schepens