zaterdag 6 november 2010

One week to go

I started this blog to not only have a way to channel my thoughts outside of my music, but also to share them with my audience.

Sometimes I wonder if it is a good idea to write down these thoughts for everyone to read. But then I realize that I want to offer people a back stage look into my life as a musician. I think it gives an extra dimension if you know an artist, and how he works, acts, thinks...

It's now one week to go until my Netherlands Music Prize Award ceremony. Exciting times. And not always easy...

I still haven't fully figured out how I can work best: efficient, technically and of course musically. But I have come to realize that I am ever changing. I am always looking for new ways, and I hope to one day fully accept my way to work in my mind. I noticed I am still ondoctrinated by the way to work at the conservatory. The more hours you study the better! And although quantity does work, quality is sometimes forgotten. And more importantly, when did you study enough? How do you know when to stop studying?

Kenny Werner gave me life changing answers. Google him, read his book 'Effortless Mastery'' and change your life too :-)

Oh, and, interesting for saxophone connaisseurs, especially classical ones, Ii will be performing the Ketting on a metal LA Sax mouthpiece :-)

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